See also: Man truck workshop manual PDF
Initializing in Master/Slave mode
Check Master/Slave with the ignition on
Response: no, engine runs fine
Irregularity of rotation too high: 4-cylinder engine: Cyl. 1; 6-cylinder engine:
Cyl. 1; 8-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 1, the Slave
cyl. 5; 10-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 1, the Slave
cyl. 6; 12-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 1, the Slave
cyl. 12
Injection volume deviation on the corresponding cylinder
Irregularity of rotation too high: 4-cylinder engine: Cyl. 3; 6-cylinder engine:
Cyl. 5; 8-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 2, Slave
cyl. 7; 10-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 5, Slave
cyl. 10; 12-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 5, Slave
cyl. 8
Injection volume deviation on the corresponding cylinder
Irregularity of rotation too high: 4-cylinder engine: Cyl. 4; 6-cylinder engine:
Cyl. 3; 8-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 3, Slave
cyl. 6; 10-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 2, Slave
cyl. 7; 12-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 3, Slave
cyl. 10
Injection volume deviation on the corresponding cylinder
Irregularity of rotation too high: 4-cylinder engine: Cyl. 2; 6-cylinder engine:
Cyl. 6; 8-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 4, the Slave
cyl. 8; 10-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 3, Slave
cyl. 8; 12-cylinder engine: Master cyl. 6, Slave
cyl. 7
Injection volume deviation on the corresponding cylinder
Irregularity of rotation too high: 6-cylinder engine: Cyl. 2; 10-cylinder engine:
Master cyl. 4, the Slave cyl. 9; 12-cylinder engine: Master
cyl. 2, Slave cyl. 11
Injection volume deviation on the corresponding cylinder
Irregularity of rotation too high: 6-cylinder engine: Cyl. 4; 12-cylinder engine:
Master cyl. 4, the Slave cyl. 9
Injection volume deviation on the corresponding cylinder
Output stage Highside EGR butterfly valve
Check the output stage a short circuit after mass or + Ubat and open circuit line
Output stage pressure adjuster Highside
Check the output stage a short circuit after mass or + Ubat and open circuit line
Output stage Highside exhaust gas recirculation
Check the output stage a short circuit after mass or + Ubat and open circuit line
Output stage Highside dosing unit high pressure pump
Check the output stage a short circuit after mass or + Ubat, cut line
Reaction system: disable output stage (reversible) DBV opens, the engine continues working with 800 bar pressurized. Limitation: D20:150 mg/day, D26:180 mg/day
Output stage boost Highside engine valve
Check the output stage a short circuit after mass or + Ubat, cut line
Output stage Highside Starter relay
Check the output stage a short circuit after mass or + Ubat, cut line
Camshaft speed sensor (sensor/segment)
No signal or wrong sequence of pulses, the sensor has an incorrect polarity
Response: the engine continues working with incremental sensor. Need a longer standing time prior to check ignition
Crankshaft rotation speed sensor (incremental transducer)
No signal or wrong sequence of pulses, the sensor has an incorrect polarity
Reaction system: engine continues to work with the segment sensor
Signal error starting system
Failed benchmark
Response: the engine does not start/stalls
The reliability of the fuel pressure
Control on wall gauge
Reaction system: no
Supply voltage reverse signal EGR
Check for a short circuit by mass or + Ubat and rupture of conductors
System reaction/comment: the sensor does not give a value or gives wrong values
Error sending 2 messages in a dual control unit
Master-Slave data exchange (V engine). Possibly due to too heavy load tyres
Response: the Slave control unit blocks the volume of injected fuel until the restoration of communications; engine
continues to run until the Master control unit, i.e. with the block of cylinders (half power)
Error sending 3 messages in a dual control unit
Master-Slave data exchange (V engine). Possibly due to too heavy load tyres
Response: the Slave control unit blocks the volume of injected fuel until the restoration of communications; the engine
continues to work with the Master control unit, i.e. with the block of cylinders (half power)
Error sending messages in 4 twin control unit
Master-Slave data exchange (V engine). Possibly due to too heavy load tyres
Response: the Slave control unit blocks the volume of injected fuel until the restoration of communications; the engine
continues to work with the Master control unit, i.e. with the block of cylinders (half power)
Error sending 5 messages in a dual control unit
Master-Slave data exchange (V engine). Possibly due to too heavy load tyres
Response: the Slave control unit blocks the volume of injected fuel until the restoration of communications; the engine
continues to work with the Master control unit, i.e. with the block of cylinders (half power)
Error decoder CAN receive a master/detail relationship: reports CAMD-ANA timeout
Master-Slave data exchange (V engine). The decoder CAN receive error Master/Slave
Response: the Slave control unit blocks the volume of injected fuel until the restoration of communications; the engine
continues to work with the Master control unit, i.e. with the block of cylinders (half power)
Error decoder CAN receive a master/detail relationship: reports CAMD-CMOL timeout
Master-Slave data exchange (V engine). The decoder CAN receive error Master/Slave
Response: the Slave control unit blocks the volume of injected fuel until the restoration of communications; the engine
continues to work with the Master control unit, i.e. with the block of cylinders (half power)
Error decoder CAN receive a master/detail relationship: reports CAMD-CONTROL timeout
Master-Slave data exchange (V engine). The decoder CAN receive error Master/Slave
Response: the Slave control unit blocks the volume of injected fuel until the restoration of communications; the engine
continues to work with the Master control unit, i.e. with the block of cylinders (half power)
Error decoder CAN receive a master/detail relationship: CAMD-FFR1 timeout
Master-Slave data exchange (V engine). The decoder CAN receive error Master/Slave
Response: the engine continues to run well, no reaction
Error decoder CAN receive a master/detail relationship: CAMD-FFR2 timeout
Master-Slave data exchange (V engine). The decoder CAN receive error Master/Slave
Response: the engine continues to run well, no reaction
Error decoder CAN receive a master/detail relationship: CAMD-FFR3 timeout
Master-Slave data exchange (V engine). The decoder CAN receive error Master/Slave
Response: the engine continues to run well, no reaction
Error decoder CAN receive a master/detail relationship: CAMD-initialization
Master-Slave data exchange (V engine). The decoder CAN receive error Master/Slave
Response: the engine continues to run well, no reaction
Error decoder CAN receive a master/detail relationship: reports CAMD-LIMIT timeout
Master-Slave data exchange (V engine). The decoder CAN receive error Master/Slave
Response: the Slave control unit blocks the volume of injected fuel until the restoration of communications; the engine
continues to work with the Master control unit, i.e. with the block of cylinders (half power)
Master/Slave CAN fail in twin control unit
Master or Slave failed when receiving from FFR-CAN
Reaction system: dual control unit sends messages through Master/Slave-CAN
Checking, kl. 15 Master-Slave
Recognition check ignition Master and Slave units
Failed to change the operating mode Master-Slave
Check the operating mode between Master and Slave
Check arterial pressure
Check for too high (1) or too low (2) rail pressure
Reaction system: to 1: pressure limiting valve opens the impetus. To 2: the motor stops due to abnormal arterial
pressure. Limitation: D08:2000 m 1; 100 mg/day, D20:130-150 mg/day, D26:180 mg/day
Positive difference regulation
Rail pressure too low cannot handle
Response: the problem of controlling the fuel feed, the engine may stop. Limitation: D08:100 mg/day, D20:150 mg/day,
D26:180 mg/day
Negative regulation of difference
Too high pressure Road cannot handle
Response: the problem in reverse discharge fuel pressure limiting valve may open
Pressure Rail: leaked under the regime of forced idling
Check for leaks in the hydraulic hydraulics high pressure impact
Response: the problem in reverse discharge fuel pressure limiting valve may open. Limitation: D08:100 mg/day, D20:130-150
mg/day, D26:180 mg/day
Pressure Rail: Leaked because of the amount of compensation
Check for leaks of high-pressure hydraulics
Reaction system: high pressure side UN-pressurized, engine stalls, power shortage, danger of fire. Limitation: D08:100
mg/day, D20:130-150 mg/day, D26:180 mg/day
Rail pressure: high controller output at idle
Pressure limiting valve is open (too high pressure)
Checking the pressure limiting valve opening
Reaction system: Backbone pressure 700-800 bar. Limitation: D08:2000 m 1; 100
mg/day, D20:150 mg/day, D26:180 mg/day
Dynamics of fuel supply pressure
Check for uneven supply pressure
Response: you might have air in the system
FFR2: error in the binary digit specified acceleration NORD (electronic control noise NORD = NOise ReDuction)
Electronic noise reduces radiation noise.
A valid response acceleration engine is not exceeded at the expense of injection, torque is limited, as well as radiation
error in the binary digit Smoke-ID
Can-message for admission from the FFR to select characteristics of smoke when a disconnected exhaust gas recirculation
Check the pollen filter/PM-Kat
Exhaust gas pressure drop is too high or too low
Response/Description: Too highly: clean filter. Too low: dust filter/PM-Kat is missing or burned
The limits of temperature dust filter
Filter temperature during an authoritative restore is too high or too low
Response: too high: lower power. Too low: no
Lack of recovery dust filter
Failure of an authoritative restore
Reaction system: e.g., unrecoverable oil filter contamination
Differential pressure sensor or Comparative exhaust pressure sensor
Check voltage limits and AD blocking
Response: the prescribed amount equivalent
Accuracy pressure difference or difference of relative pressure of exhaust gases
The sensor is faulty, if speed = 0 EXHAUST GAS pressure is above a certain threshold or the pressure drop at two speeds is below a certain
EXHAUST GAS temperature sensor EXHAUST GAS before it is processed
Check voltage limits and AD blocking
Response: the prescribed amount equivalent
Exhaust gas temperature sensor after further processing the waste gas, physical parameters
Check for poor contact or reliability of this rate of change of temperature, too high or low temperature
Exhaust gas temperature sensor after further processing OG
Check voltage limits and AD blocking
Butterfly valve AG
Specified and actual flap position do not match (at an undisclosed D08)
Output stage Highside lambda probe
Check the output stage a short circuit after mass or + Ubat, cut line
Output stage lamps OBD (MIL)
Diagnosis is impossible
Output stage Highside shut-off valve the compressed air (disconnecting the compressed air valve)
Check the output stage a short circuit after mass or + Ubat, cut line
Error sending CAN1 (FFR/EDC-CAN)
Error sending the CAN engine (possibly due to a too heavy load tyres)
Response: information message EDC1 or EDC2 or the FFR EDC3 missing
Error sending CAN1 (FFR/EDC-CAN)
Welcome to one of the messages, FFR2 FFR1, FFR3 or time/date from FFR impossible
Reaction system: FFR specified values are not converted
Error sending CAN2 (Master/Slave-CAN)
Master-Slave data exchange (V engine) violated). Possibly due to too heavy load tyres
Response: the Slave control unit blocks the volume of injected fuel until the restoration of communications; the engine
continues to work with the Master control unit, i.e. with the block of cylinders (half power)
Timeout error CAN2 (OBD-CAN)
Failure to connect with the power socket OBD
Note. In block EDC7 C32 Master/Slave system MAN AdBlue ® bus OBD-CAN be connected to Pin 25 (185 wire) and 32 Pin (wire
186) Slave control unit and A-CAN bus (CAN handle exhaust gases) — to Pin 25 (wire 191) and 32 Pin (wire 192) Master control unit
Timeout error CAN2 (Master-Slave-CAN)
Master-Slave data exchange (V engine) violated). Reception error decoder CAN Master/Slave
Response: the Slave control unit blocks the volume of injected fuel until the restoration of communications; the engine
continues to work with the Master control unit, i.e. with the block of cylinders (half power)
Note. In block EDC7 C32 Master/Slave bus M/S-CAN (connection Master control unit with control unit Slave) is connected to
Pin the A27 and Pin the A45. In block EDC7 C32 engine in-line with the system of MAN AdBlue ® A-CAN bus (CAN handle exhaust gases) is connected to Pin
the A27 (wire 191) and Pin 45 (192 wire)
Error sending FFR1 (FFR/EDC-CAN)
FFR passes FFR1 wrong value
Error sending FFR2 (FFR/EDC-CAN
FFR passes FFR2 wrong value
Error sending FFR3 (FFR/EDC-CAN)
FFR passes in FFR3 invalid value
Date/time error (FFR/EDC-CAN)
FFR sends an invalid numeric value
Response: there is no time
Identification of exhaust gas temperature EXHAUST GAS before it is processed
Monitoring for probe deflection when the ignition is switched on, i.e., falls after stopping the engine exhaust gas temperature to ambient
temperature. In the course of operation control for the wrong sensor: at low throttle sensor shows too high temperature and under high load too
Identification of the waste gas temperature after further processing the waste gas
Monitoring for probe deflection when the ignition is switched on, i.e., falls after stopping the engine exhaust gas temperature to ambient
temperature. In the course of operation control for the wrong sensor: at low throttle sensor shows too high temperature and under high load too
Monitoring Starter (Starter protection device)
Monitoring the duration of start-up
Reaction system: depending on the response time of the starter in the control unit is determined by the heat starter. If
the Starter is activated for longer than 30 seconds, the engine does not start, then the display shows fault message SPN 3813. This fault message is
displayed while the starter will not be cooled sufficiently alleged. When you click through 30 seconds message actively within 10
minutes. In addition, this fault has no effect, and the fault message disappears automatically after a specified time
Registration disable duration control units
Definition and time control power on/off and duration of outages. Could not determine the duration of
Response: this fault appears if during the shutdown during the time of the follow-up work, the engine restarts. In
addition, this fault has no effect and becomes inactive when entering software version V27
CAN module 3 (CAN handle exhaust gases)
Off condition tyres CAN module 3
Note. In block EDC7 C32 engine in-line with the system of MAN AdBlue ® A-CAN bus (CAN handle exhaust gases) is connected to
Pin the A27 (wire 191) and Pin 45 (192 wire). In block EDC7 C32 Master/Slave M/S-CAN (connection Master control unit with control unit Slave) is
connected to Pin the A27 and Pin 45
CAN module 3 (CAN Master-Slave exhaust gas processing)
Off condition tyres CAN module 3
Note. In block EDC7 C32 Master/Slave system MAN AdBlue ® A-CAN (CAN handle exhaust gases) is connected to Pin 25 (wire 191)
and 32 Pin (wire 192) Master control unit, and OBD-CAN — to Pin 25 (185 wire) and 32 Pin (wire 186) the Slave control unit
Byte-wise CAN check 1 (oil temperature and ambient air)
CAN check 1 (oil temperature and ambient air) for an error in the binary. At least one of these messages CAN
Byte-wise CAN check 3 (CAN handle exhaust gases)
CAN control 3 (temperature of exhaust gases, the level of AdBlue and AdBlue temperature) for an error in the binary. At
least one of these messages CAN unreliable
Note. In block EDC7 C32 engine in-line with the system of MAN AdBlue ® A-CAN bus (CAN handle exhaust gases) is connected to
Pin the A27 (wire 191) and Pin 45 (192 wire). In block EDC7 C32 Master/Slave M/S-CAN (connection Master control unit with control unit Slave) is
connected to Pin the A27 and Pin 45
Byte-wise CAN check 3 (CAN Master-Slave exhaust gas processing)
CAN control 3 (temperature of exhaust gases, the level of AdBlue and AdBlue temperature) for an error in the binary. At
least one of these messages CAN unreliable
Note. In block EDC7 C32 Master/Slave system MAN AdBlue ® A-CAN (CAN handle exhaust gases) is connected to Pin 25 (wire 191)
and 32 Pin (wire 192) Master control unit, and OBD-CAN — to Pin 25 (185 wire) and 32 Pin (wire 186) the Slave control unit
CAN timeout error 3 (CAN handle exhaust gases)
CAN control 3 for timeout errors. Welcome to one of the messages is not possible: IEC, ATI, DM1-DCU,
Note. In block EDC7 C32 engine in-line with the system of MAN AdBlue ® A-CAN bus (CAN handle exhaust gases) is connected to
Pin the A27 (wire 191) and Pin 45 (192 wire). In block EDC7 C32 Master/Slave M/S-CAN (connection Master control unit with control unit Slave) is
connected to Pin the A27 and Pin 45
CAN timeout error 3 (CAN Master-Slave exhaust gas processing)
CAN control 3 for timeout errors. Welcome to one of the messages is not possible: IEC, ATI, DM1-DCU,
Note. In block EDC7 C32 Master/Slave system MAN AdBlue ® A-CAN (CAN handle exhaust gases) is connected to Pin 25 (wire 191)
and 32 Pin (wire 192) Master control unit, and OBD-CAN — to Pin 25 (185 wire) and 32 Pin (wire 186) the Slave control unit
Disruption on multiple cylinders misfiring
Status of interruptions in ignition 4-cylinder engine: cylinder 1; 6-cylinder engine: cylinder 1; Slave 8-cylinder engine: 5 cylinder; 10-cylinder engine: 6 cylinder; 12-cylinder engine: 12
Status of interruptions in ignition 4-cylinder engine: cylinder 3; 6-cylinder engine: 5 cylinder; Slave 8-cylinder engine: cylinder 7; 10-cylinder engine: cylinder 10; 12-cylinder engine: 8
Status of interruptions in ignition 4-cylinder engine: 4 cylinder; 6-cylinder engine: cylinder 3; Slave 8-cylinder engine: 6 cylinder; 10-cylinder engine: cylinder 7; 12-cylinder engine:
cylinder 10
Status of interruptions in ignition 4-cylinder engine: cylinder 2; 6-cylinder engine: 6 cylinder; Slave 8-cylinder engine: 8 cylinder; 10-cylinder engine: 8 cylinder; 12-cylinder engine:
cylinder 7
Status of interruptions in ignition 6-cylinder engine: cylinder 2; Slave 10-cylinder engine: 9
cylinder; 12-cylinder engine: cylinder 11
Status of interruptions in ignition 6-cylinder engine: 4 cylinder; Slave 12-cylinder engine: 9
Lambda probe value determination, physical parameters
Check for inadequate contact or the veracity of the rate of change of the signal
Lambda sensor value control
Control voltage limits and AD blocking
Lambda sensor internal resistance, physical parameter
Check for inadequate contact or accuracy internal resistance changes speed
The internal resistance of the lambda probe
Control voltage limits and AD blocking
The authenticity of the refrigerant temperature
Monitoring for probe deflection when the ignition is switched on, i.e., falls after stopping the engine exhaust gas temperature to ambient
temperature. In the course of operation control for the wrong sensor: at low throttle sensor shows too high temperature and under high load too
The veracity of the charge air temperature before the cylinder inlet (after the AGR)
Monitoring for probe deflection when the ignition: falls after stopping the engine temperature before cylinder intake to the temperature of the
refrigerant. In the course of operation control for the wrong sensor (temperature should not be too significantly deviate from the charge air temperature
in front of the engine)
Reliability of ambient temperature
Monitoring for probe deflection when the ignition, i.e. falls after stopping the engine temperature ambient temperature refrigerant Wednesday. In the course of operation control for the
wrong sensor (temperature should not be too significantly deviate from the charge air temperature in front of the engine)
Control unit configuration
Configuration control Master-Slave control units
Charge air temperature sensor after the radiator (nadduvochnoj trumpet)
Control voltage limits and AD blocking
SCR catalyst is not installed
Monitoring during the operation for smoke exhaust gas sensor (if high load is measured too low temperature, mean, not
Rejection situation closed exhaust gas recirculation system
Adaptation of the zero point is invalid
Flap position sensor EGR
Control voltage limits and AD blocking
Identification of AGR on temperature
The temperature of the charge air cooler cylinder intake before too far deviates from the radiator temperature after
Constant deviation values adjustable AGR with regulation
Too substantial difference adjustment
EDC's internal temperature sensor 2
Control voltage limits and AD blocking
Lambda probe wires
Check for a short circuit by mass or + Ubat and rupture of conductors
Lambda probe calibration
Control too high or too low amendment lambda probe
SPI communication lambda probe
Monitoring for errors control units. Block communication failure processing results with the main
Communication data handling block lambda probe with the main computer through the interface SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface). The module regulates the reading and downloading internal register block lambda sensor data processing on demand software
Lambda probe temperature
Check for too high (800) or too low (600 c) temperature probe
Lambda probe temperature Calibration
Check for too high or too low temperature amendment
Shift control
Duration of injector level settings in the mode of forced idling too high.
In certain conditions of use control shift identifies the actual duration setting cascade injectors on maximum duration settings valid for the
actual number of revolutions.
Response: If a failure occurs, the faulty working control unit is closed and you are recovering (resetting the control
Injection control P1
The battery voltage is not sufficient for the first preliminary injection
Response: the first pre-injection P1 is blocked
Injection control P2
The battery voltage is not sufficient for the second pre-injection
Response: Second pre-injection P2 is blocked
Injection control M1
The battery voltage is not sufficient for the second main injection
Response: the second main injection M2 blocks
Injection control P0
The battery voltage is not sufficient for post-injection
Reaction system: post-injection P0 is blocked
Identification of charge air temperature after the heat sink
Monitoring for probe deflection when the ignition, i.e. falls after stopping the engine temperature charging air to a temperature of the
refrigerant. In the course of operation control for the wrong sensor (when two different boost pressures should be measured with two different
temperature readings)
Identification of internal temperature of EDC control unit
Monitoring for probe deflection when the ignition: falls after stopping the engine, the inside temperature of the EDC to the temperature of the
Identification of internal temperature control unit 2 EDC (temperature for cooling angle)
Monitoring for probe deflection when the ignition: falls after stopping the engine, the inside temperature of the refrigerant temperature before
EDC 2.
Recovery control
Unable to determine the status of EDC control unit. Made reset
Volume correction factor is too big: segment 0
Injector is dirty or is leaking
Volume correction factor is too big: segment 1
Injector is dirty or is leaking
Volume correction factor is too big: segment 2
Injector is dirty or is leaking
Volume correction factor is too big: segment 3
Injector is dirty or is leaking
Volume correction factor is too big: segment 4
Injector is dirty or is leaking
Volume correction factor is too big: segment 5
Injector is dirty or is leaking
12 in the output stage for LIN
Error state NOx sensor heating
Check for short circuits, conductors breaks and accuracy
Error state NOx concentration
Check for short circuits, conductors breaks and accuracy
An error state, the concentration of O2
Check for short circuits, conductors breaks and accuracy
Coolant temperature 2
Check for inadequate contact or reliability of this temperature is too high or low temperature
Coolant temperature sensor 2
Check voltage limits and AD blocking
Gradient control RDS (pressurized)
Check for insufficient contact signal from arterial pressure
Lambda probe is not installed in the pipeline
The measured value of the lambda probe is too low
EGR control with lambda sensor (error MIL)
MIL request without locking the AGR; MIL request unblocking the AGR; directly
query MIL lock EGR; directly query the MIL malfunction AGR.
To diagnose the NOx control system checks the value of the lambda probe. Depending on the limit values and the State of the
EGR is determined by the need to configure MIL lamp and reduction of power.
Response: If the limit value is exceeded, the lambda probe is sent to the query MIL
EGR control with lambda sensor (bug PR = Power-Reduction)
Request PR without locking the AGR; request blocking PR AGR; directly query the
PR lock EGR; directly query the PR EGR malfunction.
To diagnose the NOx control system checks the value of the lambda probe. Depending on the limit values and the State of the
EGR is determined by the need to configure MIL lamp and power reduction (PR = Power Reduction = decrease of engine power). If lambda probe control
detected insufficient EGR ratio and, as a consequence, the NOx concentration is too high, then dropping the torque (PR)
Response: If the limit value is exceeded, the lambda probe is sent to request power engines
The ultimate step PWM1
Check the ultimate stage for mass or short circuit + Ubat, rupture of conductors
The ultimate step PWM30
Check the ultimate stage for mass or short circuit + Ubat, rupture of conductors
Boost pressure too high
The maximum boost pressure is exceeded, depending on speed and valve position
Lambda sensor adapts
Check for too high or too low the correction factor.
Lambda probe adaption function serves to improve measuring accuracy of oxygen concentration and calculated on the basis of measurement values of the lambda sensor,
i.e. to achieve regulatory accuracy control NOx without risk related messages about malfunctions when healthy exhaust gas recirculation lambda probe
calibration is performed in mode forced idle the engine until the oxygen content of the ambient air. Thus, the offset tolerance and deviation from the
sensor software version of the control unit
Boost pressure after charge air cooler, low pressure
Check for inadequate contact or the veracity of the rate of change of the charge pressure
Boost pressure sensor after the low pressure charge air cooler
Check voltage limits, AD blocking, and credibility
Charging air temperature after charge air cooler, low pressure
Check for poor contact or reliability of this rate of change of temperature, too high or low temperature
Charge air temperature sensor after the low pressure charge air cooler
Check voltage limits, AD blocking, and credibility
High pressure air cooler
Low pressure air cooler
Global error LIN
Checking for the presence of a signal
Note. Naval engines only
LIN timeout error
Checking for the presence of a signal
Note. Naval engines only
Error state LIN
Checking for the presence of a signal
Note. Naval engines only
Self-diagnosis oil level probe
Checking for validity
Note. Naval engines only
Garnet (Thursday, 12 November 2020 18:04)
hi sir
my car man tgx26-440
when my car drive on high way road,,error appear EDC AKTIVI 3 03938-01 will appear and passiv 1 03778-01
how to solve this problem
please explain me
thanks admin